>> szwagiero, 2009-09-02 22:34:30
>Te za 300 albo poniżej to były z allegro i one miały jakieś tam "błędy" konstrukcyjne, co nie wykluczało ich >zastosowania. Z tegoż względu za pewne były po tak niskich cenach... no ale się skończyły.
Mam taki za 300 zł i dementuje plotki jakoby mialy one jakies wady konstrukcyjne - wsio działa jak nalezy i to jak dziala! Mam co prawda tylko porownanie z nos dakiem petera daniela w wersji premium (bo taki mam) - behr jest
od niego pod kazdym wzgledem lepszy - porowanie robilem bezposredni podlaczajac nosa z transportem po koaksjalu i do wzmaka a behra optykiem tez do wzmaka i przelaczajac leniuszkiem tylko wejscia! Roznica jest kolosalna! Nie na granicy percepcji. Koledzy na audiostereo.pl juz mocno behra zmodyfikowali - i osiagnal on po modyfikacjach kolejny poziom. Wedle Fikusa jest to dac na poziomie audio note - cytat:
"The modded behringer was put to test with the Audionote champs: DAC4 ad DAC2. Both have huge investments in blackgates inside, better tubes, PIO caps etc. DAC2 has the good old BB PCM63 and DAC4 has AD1865.
Behringer was for the first time an equal fighter. Even with the 17 000 Euro (plus 1000 Eu for blackgates and upgrades) the Behringer sound was in my opinion more interesting, with wealth of details presented bin a very natural fashion. Behringer was drawing me into the music. Audionote DAC4 had to fight very hard to match that.
After 2 hours - the scale started tipping on the Audionote side because of long warm-up of Blackgates. But the fact that such battle was almost equal - is phenomenal success. Behringer is a real mature champion. In my case - the cost did not exceed 200 Euro. Even without my cheap buying price and with somewhat more realistic lampization price - the total cost should not exceed 800 Eu. Wow !
Concerning AN DAC2 SE - the battle (in completely different system) was also interesting. In that system I preferred AN DAC2 because of its super natural "jazzy atmosphere" but on detail, space and rhythm - AN had no chance. So it was down to a personal taste thing"
Nawet jesli jest to opinia przesadzona to warto poddac ten dac testowi.