Ciekawa opinia nt. B200 posiadacza PHY-HP:, Holyghostfire21!
The B200\'s really accomplish alot of the PHY-HP\'s sound at a tenth the cost. There are some differences, though. There is a thread on the need for bass augmentation with the B200\'s, that I don\'t really feel is necessary on the 12 inch PHY-hp\'s, but you can live with the B200\'s very easily, and for the price, it\'s as if they were free compared to the french drivers. The PHY-HP\'s have a creamy wholesome sound while the B200\'s are a bit more constrained and sterile in comparison (but this might be since they are so new and haven\'t fully broken in or loosened up yet).
That\'s the sonic difference; the aesthetic difference is greater, and I have been told that I am not going to use the B200\'s in my living room /listening room since the bronze surrounds and baskets look so killer on the french drivers when mounted in Lexan. The utilitarian look of the black B200\'s will relegate them to a bedroom system where they aren\'t in full view of our guests according to my wife.
The sound of the B200\'s is open, articulate, accurate, quick and dynamic. They image better than the 12 inch drivers do even when mounted in the same Lexan Baffles, so the difference in imaging has to be the drivers.
I have had musician friends who know what instruments are supposed to sound like say "WOW" when they listen to the Visaton B200\'s.
The B200\'s seem to be more efficient than the PHY-HP drivers, even though the specs would lead you to believe otherwise. Just be sure your sources and amplification are dead quiet with these drivers and you will be happy.
Best of luck and happy listening!
"Geniusz może mieć swoje ograniczenia, ale głupota nie jest tak upośledzona."