Jeżeli jesteśmy już przy nirwanie i pytaniu w wątku, czy 009 to najlepsze słuchawki... Tu ciekawa opinia z h-f niejakiego Mangusa. Na pytanie: "How far behind would you say Woo-009 setup is behind the Orpheus 2 and the Shangri-La?"
Padła odpowiedź: "Wow that's tough to say, subjective for sure, and influenced by lots of external factors (different times, sources, music, and environments). That said, my subjective opinion would be that on a scale of 100, I'd put the original Orpheus at a 97 (no reasons for less than 100 other than that I'm always inclined to leave room for the unknown), that Stax/Woo combo at a 93, Shangri-La at a 91, and new Orpheus at 90. That's based on nothing specific other than recollection of the overall experience with each. ..."
Niestety, jest to osąd z pamięci, a nie z bezpośredniego testu-klinczu wszystkich 4 systemów.