myślę ze niewiele osób słuchało k1000 w dobry układzie wiec raczej nie uzyskasz tu odpowiedzi na swoje pytanie.każdy będzie strzelał a co za tym idzie może być w błędzie.o pomoc raczej skierował bym sie na forum haed-fi.tam jest wiele osób które posiadają k1000.
gdyby trochę dołożyć można by kupić za 800$ Almarro A205A .
"This was my first meet and I enjoyed it immensely. David(909) did a wonderful job organizing everything and his wife and mother exhibited great patience and good humour in getting through what probably was a long day for them. While I didn\'t get to hear every piece of gear and headphone at the meet, my votes go to the GS-X, which drove every headphone beautifully and the Almarro A205A-AKG K1000 combination. I have a A205A on order with Paul of Imagine HiFi - it will be built with a 1/4" headphone jack in the front instead of a mini-plug on the back; I believe that all new production of this amp will be constructed this way. Also, I was sufficiently impressed with the K1000 to call Todd of TTVJ this morning and place an order.
"We had an Almarro single-ended tube amp using EL84 tubes. It is a really sweet amp to drive K1000, sweeter than my Cayin HA-1A, which also uses EL84 in single-ended topology. Maybe the difference is due to the NOS Brimar tubes used in the Almarro, versus my modern tubes. Almarro is sweet and detailed at the same time, which kind of surprised me." - Ferbose - Head-Fi
"After everything was said and done, the most musical sound of the night for me was when K1000 was hooked up to the little Almarro via speaker outputs. I was a little dismayed that the "headphone out" Almarro has on the back is a 1/8" jack ??? What\'s worse, K1000 sounded far better driven by Almarro\'s speaker outputs than through the 1/8" jack via adapters. I already know Almarro sounds great on high-sensitivity speakers, but now I know it\'s great for K1000. The combo with Esoteric source just had everything going: detail, resolution, air, musicality, soundstaging, richness, and palpability. But most of all, it had that sense of live music and its electricity. Good stuff!" - Jon L - Head-Fi
"This was my first meet and I enjoyed it immensely. David(909) did a wonderful job organizing everything and his wife and mother exhibited great patience and good humour in getting through what probably was a long day for them. While I didn\'t get to hear every piece of gear and headphone at the meet, my votes go to the GS-X, which drove every headphone beautifully and the Almarro A205A-AKG K1000 combination. I have a A205A on order with Paul of Imagine HiFi - it will be built with a 1/4" headphone jack in the front instead of a mini-plug on the back; I believe that all new production of this amp will be constructed this way. Also, I was sufficiently impressed with the K1000 to call Todd of TTVJ this morning and place an order." - Nu62 - Head-Fi
"Imagine HiFi room was one of my favorite rooms at the show. The absolute stunning bargain of the show was the Almarro A205A EL84 single-ended amp, producing 4.5 wpc at $800! Paired with Cain & Cain Abby or IM Ben, A205A produced great sounds, period, not great sounds for the price. This amp even has a headphone jack in the back, which I\'m very curious to hear b/c the speaker outputs are so good. With Abby, A205A produced fast yet relaxed sound with plenty of musical detail and texture. With Ben, A205A reproduced center-of-earth tonal weight and density with plenty of bass that was firm and extended. Excellent timbral accuracy and textural richness all around. I need to buy this amp." - Jon L - Audio Asylum