A ja znow czytalem duzo pozytywnych opini o Apogee Mini-DACu.
Rafeall, jakie kryteria musi spelni DAC aby byl studyjny :) ?
Ja czytalem o transparetnosci Apogee Mini-DACa juz dobrych wiele razy.
Przyklad pierwszy lepszy:
Lavry DA10:
If I were to compare the accuracy of instrument\'s tones and how they maintain their place in the soundfield, the Lavry places them beautifully, warmly, and without effort. [edit] At first, for what I had in my monitoring chain, I actually preferred the Lavry to the DAC1. I was able to hear differences in my system moreso with the Lavry, therefore = better. But when I got down to what was causing these differences and fixed them, the Lavry was no competition for sound *quality* as the DAC1. Punch and hi-tech are its main characteristics.
Benchmark DAC1:
I\'ve had a couple of DAC1\'s for over a year now and have grown to understand a whole different perspective of sound because of it. I have driven myself crazy by doing so, you better be ready. You should use the XLR calibrated outputs with attenuation absolutely post D/A in order to achieve the proper sound of the design of the unit. The front panel seems to have been really designed for the headphone section, but they tied it to the XLR section for convenience (and pre-amplifierLESS marketing). If I had to compare the accuracy of instrument\'s tones and how they maintain their place in the soundfield, the Benchmark does so quite beautifully and surrealistically, and with a distinct low end and an airy brighter and somehow open high end that neither of the other two D/A\'s accomplish. It is without a doubt a sound that most converters do not obtain.
Apogee Mini-DAC:
Comparing the accuracy of instrument\'s tones and how they maintain their place in the soundfield, the Apogee places them more noticeably digitally, with a comparable lowend to the DAC1 (but still a less separated and boomier sonic stucture), and a clear but not as emotionally evoking high end as the DAC1. This makes for a fairly unique sound compared to the other D/A\'s but it tends to rush through things and produce events that leave more to be desired overall. As Apogee said, a D/A shouldn\'t be more than the digital audio itself.
Przydaloby sie moc posluchac zanim sie kupi, jednak...nie wiem czy jest to mozliwe gdzies u nas w kraju ?